Strive Chiropractic Blog

What Chronic Headaches And Dizziness Could Really Mean in Newport Beach CA

Headaches and migraines. Dizziness. Sinus pressure. Facial, neck, and ear pain. Many people live with these recurring nuisances and simply try to manage symptoms when they flare up, brushing them off as pesky, yet unavoidable, intruders— but don’t be too quick to dismiss them.  Though many of these unwelcome symptoms may initially not sound like…

Use These Simple Remedies To Overcome Trigger Finger in Newport Beach CA

Does your finger ever get “stuck” or feel locked up? It may happen during the simplest everyday tasks that used to be second nature– like tying a shoe or opening a can. Perhaps you hear some “clicking,” feel some discomfort, and then…it’s locked.  If you’ve experienced this pesky phenomenon, you may have a condition that’s…

7 Common Causes Of Sciatica Pain in Newport Beach CA

Constant hip pain. Pain and numbness that runs down the back of the legs. Pain and tingling in the center of your butt. If you can relate, chances are you’ve been suffering from sciatica pain on some level.  Though sciatica pain is actually incredibly common in Newport Beach CA, affecting around 40% of adults, it…

The Ergonomic Danger That Sedentary Kids Face in Newport Beach CA

Parents: ever feel like you were more active than your children at their age? Instead of tablets and video games, do your childhood memories include late nights of tag with the neighborhood kids? Or invigorated water balloon fights, perhaps scraped knees and elbows from trouble on your bike? It’s recommended that kids get at least…

What You Should – and Shouldn’t – Do After Your Chiropractic Adjustment in Newport Beach CA

If you’ve scheduled your first chiropractic adjustment in Newport Beach CA, or are considering going to a chiropractor for the first time, you may be wondering what happens after your appointment. Are there special rules to follow or things you shouldn’t do?  While there aren’t any requirements regarding what to do after your adjustment, there…

High Or Low Impact Exercise: What’s Best With Back Pain in Newport Beach CA

When you’re in pain, it’s easy to let any exercise come to a screeching halt. This is especially true when it comes to back pain in Newport Beach CA. It’s an understandable reaction—  pain typically doesn’t encourage us to keep moving.  Did you know, pain is a protective mechanism built into our bodies to prevent…