Strive Chiropractic Blog
The Joy and (Back) Pain of Being a New Mom in Newport Beach CA
Did you know your body is considered postpartum for an entire year after your little one arrives? Unbeknownst to many new moms, post-pregnancy hormones have a powerful effect on your joints, ligaments, lower back, and other parts of your body. What should you do to avoid postpartum pain in Newport Beach CA? And, are there…
How To Knock Out Shoulder Pain in Newport Beach CA
That nagging shoulder ache…the sharp pain when you move your arm or the twinge between your shoulder blades. Sometimes, you even feel shoulder pain in your neck. Regardless, it translates to constant and uncomfortable pain, often inhibiting daily activities. So what do you do and is surgery in your future? Sadly, many are told that…
Herniated Discs – Here’s How To Recover Quickly in Newport Beach CA
If you have a herniated disc in Newport Beach CA, you’re all too familiar with the neck or back pain that comes with it— radiating pain in your arms, hips, buttocks, or legs are common symptoms. Just what causes a herniated disc? Over time, discs can simply become worn down, a process called “disc degeneration.”…
Is It A Migraine, Tension Headache, or Just a Headache in Newport Beach CA?
Headache pain: dull to throbbing, splitting to burning. There’s no denying it, a headache is enough to ruin your day or for some, sideline you for days. Just what causes headaches in Newport Beach CA and why do some seem to be more prone to pain than others? In this article, we discuss the four…
10 Piriformis Stretches to Get Rid of Hip, and Lower Back Pain in Newport Beach CA
There’s a tiny muscle you’ve probably never heard of that has a powerful effect on your daily movements, and can even be linked to sciatica. It’s called the piriformis and it enables you to move your hips, upper legs, and feet away from your body. The piriformis also covers the sciatic nerve that runs from…
Leg or Back Pain Can Actually Be Sciatica in Newport Beach CA
If you’ve been experiencing consistent leg or back pain in Newport Beach CA (or perhaps you’d describe it as a burning or tingling sensation), sciatica might be the culprit. Sciatica is a term that describes the symptoms of leg pain that starts in the lower back, moves through the buttocks and into the large sciatic…